Monday, July 1, 2013

Just share it!

Photo by Michael Oleksa

Have you ever wondered that any single act we do - no matter good or bad; doesn't remain unnoticeable, but it always comes back? And we never know when and where from it will arrive. 
Some days ago, while walking the dog, I met my neighbour. We exchanged warm greetings and smiles; I stopped for a while and so did she. We talked about life and its more or less important bits. Nice meeting of the people who want to give some warmth to each other. In this short moment, the world smiled at us with its beautiful summer we experience, and I felt that I must share this warmth and friendliness with others. And everything due to one single smile of my neighbour. 
Smile, nice word, friendliness; something which we get disinterestedly from another man - we shouldn't keep it for ourselves, but we ought to give it to others. Just share it. 
I'm a dreamer, I know, but just think how beautiful the world could be if only, during one day, the smile and nice words would go from one man to another; even to a total stranger passed by in the street, met at the shop or the one standing next to you on a bus, train or underground. How difficult it is for us to share something good, but how easily we lose our temper and share evil, violence and aggression. Let's imagine what we do, if our boss or a colleague gets on our nerves? We are furious with them, but we shout at somebody else. Usually at somebody who is weaker than us or someone who is close to us. Because it's easier. I hurt this person and he or she gives it further, and hurts someone else. It's a chain. If there is no-one to relieve anger on, we kick the dog or we are rude to our neighbour. 
We are afraid of the word "good deed", because it's old-fashioned and often mistaken for naivety. And we don't want to be naive, so we just don't do anything, although very often we have possibility to do it. 
I remember two situations, which happened to me a couple of months ago. I was driving to work. The morning was quite cold and at a bus stop in the suburbs there was a woman standing alone. I stopped and offered her a lift. She refused and looked at me suspiciously. Her eyes were as cold as that day as she shook her head and answered: "No, thank you." I understood her, in a way. She didn't trust me and had no idea that I simply wanted to help. And I didn't expect anything for it. Two weeks after that incident I got my chance. The same route, similar busy morning and another middle-aged woman. She was standing in front of a group of people, waiting impatiently for a bus. She looked as if she was in a hurry and she seemed to beg for a miracle. I stopped my car nad suggested giving her a lift. "I can't believe that you stopped!"' she said, looking at me with a bright smile on her face. "I've been waiting for so long and I'm in a hurry." She was heading for Children's Hospice. I don't know why, I didn't ask. I was going in the same direction, so I could just help. And I was glad to do it. When she was getting out of the car, she had tears in her eyes. She looked at me, thanked gratefully and said: "God sent you." Yes, He sent me to show that everyone can be an angel. 
"God bless you.", she whispered and left, waving to me. I smiled and thought that He will bless me. He always does. In another way and in another situation He will send His Angel to help me when I need it.
So, what are you waiting for? Just go and share good things with others!
Monica A. Oleksa  

Photo by Michael Oleksa


Monday, April 15, 2013


Photo by Marcin Oleksa

These days it seems that people forget how to celebrate moments. They are all the time in a hurry. Since the early morning we don't have time for anything. We put everything off until the weekend, holiday or a day we will have more time, but in fact even then we lack the time. 
We can't eat proper breakfast, because we are already late. We are not able to have a word with a neighbour, because we must be somewhere on time. "Sorry, I don't have time.", "I've run out of time.", "No time, sorry." Time. The most frequent word nowadays is the word: Time. The most needed. Precious. Impossible to regain when we've wasted it. And we are not able to buy it anywhere. 
But we can use it wisely. It's up to me and you how we live our lives, but it's really worth to stop for a while and look around. What can you see? Fluffy clouds in the sky, which has mysterious, misty colour; trees stretching their branches, as though they were waving to you sending their greetings. Nice cottages, high skyscrapers or cosy terraced houses and lights glittering in their windows. Children laughing and enjoying every moment, just for the pleasure of the moment. Elderly people with their wisdom in experienced eyes and fading smile on their faces. Stray cat or dog wandering along a busy street which doesn't know how to slow down. Bustle and hustle of everyday life and we, involved in the rush. 
Why are we running through the life? What for? Do we really need everything we are chasing for? 
Last year I had an accident. It was winter and the road was slippery. Although I was driving carefully, I skidded and lost control over my car. I hit the tree and damaged my car, but I survived. 
Today I know that I have a very strong and powerful Angel, who guards me. And I've learnt my lesson. Since that day I started to value my life more. I stopped, looked around and delighted the life. I realised that my life doesn't mean possesing, collecting or getting promoted. It's something more; something deeper and more subtle. 
If I had my life to live over... If I had... But I wouldn't have. I live my life now and here. I won't get it once again. So, don't waste the chance. Try to celebrate your indispensable life and enjoy it as much as you can. 
Monica A. Oleksa 

Photo by Marcin Oleksa

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Photo by Marcin Oleksa

Hi there, 
It's nice to see you. Welcome to my world painted by words. Sit down, please, and feel yourself at home. There's no need to hurry. Just sit, relax and spend some time with me. It's nice not to be lonely...
Coffee? You know, my coffee time is my "holy time". I like my coffee in a nice cup. I hate paper mugs or plastic cups. Coffee tastes completely different in a nice, porcelain cup; with a bit of creamy milk and spices - a pinch of cardamon, cinnamon and ginger. Nice, isn't it? Such coffee and a piece of home made cake - and I can say: "I'm in heaven!" Why don't you join me with your coffee or tea? 
So... my "holy time"; some minutes of peace and quiet before I come back to the world of rush - to my work, my duties and people who surround me. 
Words... they are very important in my life. They create my world and I use them to describe it. There is no word to ignore; each of them is important and unique. "Love", "Anger", "Patience", "Rush", "A man", "A woman", "Hope", "Relationship", "Children", "Feelings", "Emotions". I'm going to write about each of them. I am in my words. They are to lead me. I use them to weave a colourful patchwork, describing life. So, stay with me and follow this incredible pattern full of magic letters. 
All the best to you, my friend. 
Monica A. Oleksa 

Photo by Marcin Oleksa